Friday, May 1, 2009


The children have loved the quad bikes!

Question: Who lives in a room like this?????

Answer: That'll be the girls!

Fantastic dads!

Thank you Mr Channell and Mr Maskell. You've been fab!

Quads, archery and lots more fun!

Scrapheap challenge!

We've had another great night, the children have been super! You'll never believe it, but this morning, the boys rooms were tidier than the girls! Photographic evidence coming soon :)

Do the harness shuffle! A spot of footy before breakfast.
Safety on the quads.

More Kingswood Fun!


Rounders, archery, wall climbing and crate stacking - with Mr Channell.

A good catch!

Wellyboot line dancing!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Down on the beach, with a crab called Eugene!

The weather has been so gorgeous that we made the most of it and spent the afternoon on the beach.

Lots of hunting in the rock pools...

and playing in the sand.

Friends on the beach.

Luke was renamed 'Super Crabman' in the afternoon, for catching two crabs!

Richard told us all about fossils.
A welly boot fashion parade ...
and a bit of a welly dance!
Some strange creatures were growing out of the sand. We tried to identify them by their funny pink feet and blue legs. I think they are Pinkyblueleggypus, but I'm not sure.

We've had a lovely tea again, followed by a rounders match (with a little bit of competition between Mr Maskell and Mr Channell's team I think!!)

The children have been doing a bit of a scrapheap challenge tonight, and now it's time for cocoa and bed. I'll add more photos later if there is time. We have lots and lots, but not so much time.

See you all tomorrow!