Thursday, April 30, 2009

Evening entertainment

After a scrumptious tea in the sunshine,

it was eyes down for a spot of bingo.
Two little ducks ... 22
Room inspection showed some clean girls' rooms...
and the boy's room!
Sorry it's taken a while to get news!


  1. hello chloe, cant see you in the dinner hall, are you having to much fun to eat! Enjoy your last day. See you tomorrow. Lots of love, Mum, Dad and Sharna xxx.

  2. looks like you are all having a good time, At least the weather has been good and you have been able to get outside and make use of the facilities.

    Good to see the girls are being tidy shame about the boys thou. See you all when you get back.

    Jane, Robbie and Katie Robinson (Chloe's Mum & Dad and little sister).

  3. Loving the pictures, especially the boys room. Nothing surprises me there as it certainly looks very much like Matts suitcase. No surprises there, just wondering how it will be re-packed!
