Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Our first activities

We've all made our beds (some with a little more help than others!) and went to our first activities. It's been very exciting.
Click on the pictures if you want to enlarge them.

When I dropped in on the lazer quest, it was boys v girls!!

The climbing wall
Step 1: climb into your harness!

Step 2: Chase your friend up the wall! Go Sophie! Go Oliver! They were the first to go and both reached the top incredibly quickly! Wahoo!
There was some funny kind of dancing going on at the quad bikes!
We're off for a game of bingo later, then bed by 9.30 (!)


  1. Hey Oliver just seen the picture of you climbing the wall - very cool!! Looks like you're enjoying yourself already hope tomorrow is just as good - have fun - love Mum Dad and Joe xxx

  2. Hi Thomas, we have just seen the photos, and it looks like you are have a great time. Hope you are having fun.
    love Mum Dad and cameron

  3. hi ellis hope you are having a great time, nan and grandad x

  4. Julie and Chris NeubertApril 29, 2009 at 7:01 PM

    Hi Becca
    We loved being able to see what you are up to on your school trip all the way from the USA. Looks like you are all having lots of fun, can't wait to hear all about it.
    Love from Julie and Chris xxx
